US Blockchain-Versed Parents Wish Crypto Was Taught in Schools

Over three-quarters of parents familiar with digital assets have contributed an average of $766 to their children’s crypto education.

US Blockchain-Versed Parents Wish Crypto Was Taught in Schools

As cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and the metaverse are widely spread now, over two-thirds of the United States citizens with some background knowledge of cryptocurrencies believe that crypto should be part of students’ education to “understand the future of our economy.”

According to the educational platform, the surveys included 884 American parents and 210 American university graduates who had a basic understanding or were involved in crypto. 64% of the parents and 67% of the university graduates expressed their wish for crypto to be taught in schools.

The survey further found that three-quarters of crypto-holding parents contribute an average of $766 to their children’s crypto education and over three-quarters of crypto-invested university graduates spent an average of $1,086 on digital asset education.

“Overall, this trend will become a mainstay because a large number of exciting new jobs will come from the Web3 environment. It is, therefore, incumbent on educational institutions to help gear their student cohorts up for this important shift.” stated CEO of TZ APAC Colin Miles.

The University of Connecticut and Arizona State University have introduced courses on blockchain tech and crypto applications. Moreover, prestigious universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University have also started offering similar courses.

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