Visa CEO thinks that Digital currencies should be part of the payment ecosystem

Visa CEO thinks that Digital currencies should be part of the payment ecosystem

During the JP Morgan Annual Tech technical conference, was also a discussion about digital currencies, in which Visa CEO Alfred F. Kelly also took part.

Digital currencies and stable coins are currently experiencing increasing interest from all sides. We have only recently written that “stable coins market capitalization has grown to more than $ 10B, almost doubled since March“, and BTC itself has been the best performing asset class for several years in a row.

JP Morgran analyst Tien-Tsin Huang asked Alfred F. Kelly at the conference about his views on cryptocurrencies and also about Visa’s position and strategy:


From the answer we can see a clear view of Bitcoin, which, according to Alfred F. Kelly, is more of a commodity, and the real potential for Visa company is in digital currencies backed by a fiat currency.

Also read an article on how Robert Kiyosaki predicts for BTC $ 75,000 in 3 years


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