LocalBitcoins limits operations in the US and ceases operations in 13 states

LocalBitcoins limits operations in the US and ceases operations in 13 states
The unfavorable regulatory environment by the SEC has other implications, this time concerning to the popular peer to peer Bitcoin marketplace.

A post has appeared on the Internet these days claiming that the popular P2P Bitcoin marketplace, LocalBitcoins, is closing all accounts in 13 US states, namely FL, CT, UT, AR, NV, NE, MS, IA, DC, ND, MN, KY, VT.

This information was posted on the popular reddit r/Bitcoin but the user has already deleted some of their content.

However, as this information spreads at great speed, the original message that LocalBitcoins sends to its clients has been preserved:

LocalBitcoins confirmed the truth of this situation for the crypto daily beINcrypto.

Read also: HSBC, the largest bank in Europe, blocks crypto payments

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