In 2019 was filed more than 5800 Blockchain patent applications

In 2019 was filed more than 5800 Blockchain patent applications

According to Steven Block’s The Block research, 2019 was rich for patents based on Blockchain technology. Of the more than 5,800 patents applications was most from companies based in China.

In the first place was the technical giant Tencent with number 718, the second place belongs to the well-known company Alibaba with 470 patents.

Only these two companies accounted for more than 20% of the total number of applications.

The following three positions belonged WeBank, Ruize Technology and Ant FInancial, which are also companies based in China. After China, the US is also very active in this area and it ranks second.

It is also important information, that only 3% of 5800 patents were officially granted.

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