Google Cloud is going beyond blockchain with Hedera Hashgraph

Google Cloud is going beyond blockchain with Hedera Hashgraph

GOOGLE CLOUD PLATFORM working with Hedera Hashgraph to support the next generation of distributed ledger technology.


Hedera ensures the stability and reliability of its network by using the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Thanks to Google, Hedera managed to focus on supporting its developer community building high-performance decentralized applications (dApps).

“We initially turned to Google Cloud for its ease of use, networking advantages and overall platform performance,”

“The Google Cloud Platform was the perfect foundation to help us achieve our goals to bring enterprise-ready DLT adoption at scale.” 

said Atul Mahamuni, SVP of Products for Hedera.

Hedera chose Google Cloud as the primary cloud service provider for its networks and the Hedera Consensus Service ecosystem.

Google has joined and is a member of the Hedera Governing Council.

Source: Google


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