ETH has a strong HODL community, confirming the transfer of more than 1M ETH ($ 1.2 billion) to a cold wallet

ETH has a strong HODL community, confirming the transfer of more than 1M ETH ($ 1.2 billion) to a cold wallet
According to the latest data, the number of ETHs held on crypto exchanges is at one of the lowest levels we have ever seen.
Two investors holding ethereum

The second most popular cryptocurrency in the world currently has a strong group of investors (hodlers) who have decided not to trade and store this cryptocurrency in their cold wallet.

With that data came analysts from Trustnodes, who found that in just over a week, about 1M ETH worth $ 1.2 billion had been withdrawn from exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken.

This decline is among the largest in such a short time frame.

As for the longer time frame, ETHs held on crypto exchanges have fallen from 14M to 10M (-28.5%) since May last year.

Read also: The DeFi market exploded in 2021

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