Bitcoin shocks again when it overcame $ 50K, Crypto Market Cap over $ 1.5T

Bitcoin shocks again when it overcame $ 50K, Crypto Market Cap over $ 1.5T
The cryptocurrency markets, and Bitcoin in particular, have reached a long-awaited milestone today.

After the BTC has been fighting for almost a month since the beginning of the year to reach and maintain $ 40K, the path to $ 50K has been much easier. 

There were several reasons, but the strongest impulse was Tesla’s announcement of the investment in BTC and also of plans to accept Bitcoin as a method of payment for its products.

It is this Tesla stimulus and other announcements from large financial companies being interested in BTC that have pushed it to $ 51,604 today, and the growth does not seem to end.

Along with Bitcoin, the total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies immediately increased, surpassing $ 1.5T for the first time.

Total market capitalization reached $ 1,544,141,634,687 today.

Read also: Tesla has among its members persons with a direct connection to the crypto companies

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